Christmas this year started on Thursday for Skeeters' Family Christmas. My Dad is one of 5 boys. Each year as many of us as possible get together for good food, yummy donuts and sweet fellowship. For some of us its the only time each year we get to see each other. My cousin and her family opened up their beautiful home for all of us. It was a good day.
This is my cousin Sherry holding Lydia for the first time. She has 5 girls, one of which is in the background of this picture.

Here's another one of her daughters with my parents in the background.

It was great to see my uncles and aunts. This aunt lives in South Carolina so we don't get to see them as regularly.

We did some sitting and chatting, told some stories and enjoyed one another's company.

Next to Lydia, this is the newest addition to the family. He is adorable and was all smiles all day.

It's a family tradition to make donuts every Christmas morning. Our family likes them so much that in the last few years we've started doing them as early as Thanksgiving and really for any old occasion because they so yummy.

It's really a fun tradition. I can remember my cousins and uncles coming over late Christmas Eve to make the dough and cut out the donuts to let them rise over night. I would always have to go to bed but would have loved to stay up and help. Once I was old enough to not really have a bed time we started making and rolling them out all on Christmas morning. I'd get up and help my Dad. Those are some memories I'll always cherish.

Donuts are sometimes fought over in our family. There is always a line and we've even been known to "call" donuts that are still in the deep fryer.

I think this was his first time experiencing donuts... He can really call himself a Skeeters now.

It's hard to think that in a few years we may not get to attend such events if we are in another state or even another country. I'm trying to soak up all these moments and memories just in case.