Thursday, May 21, 2009

Many good gifts!

Patrick and I randomly will come across something that we both acknowledge would be great to teach our children. One of the more recent things we have discussed is teaching them and showing them that every thing is given to us from God, our heavenly Father. We hope that as they learn everything has been given to them from God, they would share these things with others. Freely and without hesitation. Whether this be a toy, a book, a crayon, a seat on the bus, or their faith in Jesus Christ.

I'm still reading JI Packers Knowing God and the last paragraph I read echoed everything we were thinking. Here it is:

"God's generosity in bestowing natural blesings is acclaimed in Psalm 145. 'The LORD is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made...the eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time. You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every livng thing' (vv. 9, 15-16; compare Acts 14:17). The psalmist's point is that, since God controls all that happens in his world, every meal, every pleasure, every possession, every bit of sun, every night's sleep, every moment of health and safety, everthing else that sustains and enriches life, is a divine gift. And how abundant these gifts are!"

I praise the Lord for His many good gifts to me!

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