Thursday, October 7, 2010

31 wks and Kirby's surgery

Tuesday I hit the 31 week mark. I need to upload the pictures from our anniversary night but for now this will do.
Also, Kirby had his surgery to fix his torn ACL on Tuesday. We were able to pick him up yesterday. His leg is shaved and has lots of stitches... It reminds me of a chicken leg. I feel so bad for the boy. He can't walk on the leg at all yet. He wont even touch it down. He hops around on his back leg. For the next 8 weeks we have to keep him strictly confined. Meaning no running or jumping or quick turns. We pretty much keep him in his cage at all times (we moved it into our room so he wouldn't be lonely) or keep him on a leash at our feet. Last night I sat on the floor and read for an hour with his head in my lap. He's going to be extremely spoiled after these 8 wks and then he'll be in for a rude awakening... BABY.

Wednesday I got a prenatal massage. A sweet friend is in the process of receiving certification to perform these massages. Part of the certification requires you to do 2 free massages and have the ladies fill out an evaluation. When she offered, I jumped on it! It was absolutely amazing!!! I need one of those every day :) This little girl seems to like her butt right in my ribs and that leads to some back pain.

Happy Thursday ya'll~!

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