Sunday, September 20, 2009

What's going on

This weekend I tried to sew to my little heart's content and do a few other creative things. Here's what I made:

I started off by painting this piece of wood and hammering some nails....

While the paint dried, I made a few dog collar things for someone who will be getting them in the mail this week. Kirby was kind to model them for me:)
Then it was back to this project.... A board with a ton of nails that just so happens to display all my thread.
I also ate a WHOLE heck of a lot of this!


  1. Cute! That's so creative! Are you going to hang it somewhere, or lay it flat?

  2. Yes, Kirby is cute! I like your board, it is very creative. And I also ate a whole heck a lot of candy corn this weekend. In fact I'm eating it right now while I should be eating breakfast. I ate almost a whole casserole dish full of it this weekend~ oops!

  3. Gracious, I need to buy some candy corn!
    Your dog is so cute!
