We weren't scheduled to go to the doctor for a 10 month appointment but ended up going a few days before to have her ears looked at. I thought she may have an ear infection but it turned out that she was just teething. Poor girl. It has been tough this go around. Last time the teeth just popped through and she didn't really have that drastic of a change in mood. This time the snot and drool are RUNNING! I can't tell you how many times I've sucked out her nose just so she could breathe. Hopefully those teeth will break through soon because I feel pretty bad for the girl. Anyway at the doctor she was weighed and is 20 lbs 8 oz. The little chunker has broken the 20lb mark.
Lydia loves little kids. She gets really excited when she sees them and wants to attack. Tillman might just be her favorite! The other day Till and her were in our room playing with alphabet cookie cutters (I know they aren't really toys but they love them!!). Lydia was looking like such a big girl. She was keeping up with Till in just about everything.
Here is a video of Lydia with Tillman
She is definitely learning what "no" means. Now that she knows which things she's not supposed to touch, she will often go up to them and shake her head.
She says "hi" and "ba ba." She has perfected the wave to go along with those. She sometimes tried to say "uh oh"... usually the "uh" is all the comes out. I'm working on her learning high fives and how to blow kisses.
Two days before her 10 month mark she started crawling on her hands and knees. She still army crawls sometimes but more and more she is crawling in the traditional way. How fun! I really didn't think she would do this. I just thought she'd army crawl until she walked. I really am glad though because all her shirts were starting to look worn from her scooting everywhere on her stomach.
I have started giving her more and more finger food. She has had a few whole meals now of just finger food.
She is still taking two naps and 3 bottles a day. I am going to start introducing cow's milk again at lunch time to start getting her used to it so that when she's a year we can switch all together.
The pictures I have aren't the best...she wasn't feeling so hot this day. I should have re done them the next day but forgot. Now she's 10 months and a week so these will have to do. We took her to the park after dinner and she really enjoyed swinging. Of course she especially loved watching all the kids who were also swinging.
We are so thankful to the Lord for these 10 months. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
"best smile ever" - jonathan :)
ReplyDeletealso..."someone just came from work..." -jonathan ...haha!